Christmas Eve at Peninsula

Christmas Eve services at Peninsula lasts 55 minutes and will include singing Christmas songs, reflecting on the birth of Christ, and our special conclusion of candle-lighting. All services are identical.  No childcare is available, however, children of all ages are welcome to attend.  

December 24

Identical Service Times

12:00pm        1:30pm        3:30pm        5:00pm

Help us plan for our Christmas Eve Services. 

Take our Poll

*This does not "lock you in" to a particular service, but will give us an idea of what services may have more room.

New Years Weekend

Sunday, December 29

In order to serve our volunteers, we have a simplified schedule for Sunday, December 29. We will not have Connect Groups, kids and preschool classes, and we will only have two services: 9:00am and 10:15am. We will be back to our normal schedules on January 5.