BSF is a Women's Bible Study for all ages and children ages 0-5. We will meet Thursdays at Peninsula at 9:45 beginning September 15. Join anytime during the year!
2022-2023 Study: People of the Promise: Kingdom Divided
Join us as we study the storyline in Kings and Chronicles and the prophets who entered the scene during this portion of Israel's history! As God’s people persisted in rebellion, His passionate call for their undivided loyalty as His covenant people continued. God sent prophet after prophet with a call for repentance and consistent warnings of judgment if the people failed to forsake their idols and return to Him. People have not changed. On our own, we prefer self-rule over submission to God. We still struggle against idols that steal the devotion of our hearts that only God deserves. We also live in a culture in which most people ignore or reject God to live as they choose. We fight the same battles, and we stand before the same God. His passionate plea for our hearts continues.